imnot_laughing wrote in dis_acdmy_ooc Jul 05, 2011 14:04
wassup brosis?, derp, *return, caity needs to shut up, tag this post stat, this is why we can't have nice things, i'm really back now i swear, caps is king
protectmemaria wrote in dis_acdmy_ooc Jun 25, 2011 16:09
*seeking tags, i just really love yelling, c-c-c-combo breaker, please just do this for me, plot stuff, never gonna give you up, tag this post stat, caps is king
imnot_laughing wrote in dis_acdmy_ooc May 18, 2011 22:48
omgwtfbbq, who invented real life anyway, hush up and look at the gumbo, i just really love yelling, *slowatus, caps mean srzbznz, caity needs to shut up, moustaches, ooc comm is my personal journal, caps is king